10 Golden Rules of 80/20 Principle or Pareto Principle

    The 80/20 rule also known as “The Pareto principle” named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto.  

It is often referred as law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity. It explains that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes or it takes 20% of effort to get the 80% of the results.

Pareto in his research showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population, "80% of sales come from 20% of clients", 20% of the hazards account for 80% of the injuries, 20% of infected individuals are responsible for 80% of transmissions of disease and many other connections. Pareto developed concepts in the context of the distribution of income and wealth among the population. Mathematically, the 80/20 rule is followed by a power law distribution (also known as a Pareto distribution).


10 golden rules of 80/20 rule

 1.     Specialize in a very small niche. Develop a core skill

2.   Chose a niche that you enjoy where you can excel and stand a chance of becoming an acknowledged leader

3.     Realize that knowledge is power

4.     Identity your market and your core customers and serve them best

5.     Identify where 20 percent of effort gives 80 percent of returns

6.     Learn from the best

7.     Become self-employed early in your career

8.     Employ as many net value creators as possible

9.     Use outside contractors for everything but your core skill

10.  Exploit capital leverage

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