How To Write The Best New Year Resolution And Why You Should Have One In 2022


How To Write The Best New Year Resolution And Why You Should Have One In 2022


What Research Says


Let’s Begin with a Kutty (short) Story…

There was an observational research study conducted on School students in United States. The students were divided into 3 groups. The first group were the student who did not write any aim/objective for themselves for the future. They were the majority with 60% among all. The second group of students wrote their aim in life for themselves but did not take any concrete actions on them. They were 37% of among all. The third group of students who were just 3%, not only wrote aim in life for themselves but took small – small steps to achieve them. Years after, these students were contacted and interviewed how successful were they in their career and life.

The result established that the second group of 37% students who had written aim had done better in life and were earning almost double than the first group of students who never had a vision for themselves. But the surprising part was the 3% of the students were not only the happiest group but were owning enterprises or working as CEOs. They were earning in millions of dollars which were many folds than the first and second group.

Find the WHY for you?

     A goal should feel very clear to you. If the goal is not clear, it will be hard to work toward and therefore hard to achieve. Don’t get stuck in the exact “how” of your goal, meaning the exact steps you will take to get there; that may not unfold the way you expect it to. It may transform and change along the way so rather than getting caught in the exactness of “how”, stay with the clarity and the energy of your ultimate vision and be open to the possibility that your path may take some unseen twists and turns as the journey unfolds.


Even before you sit to write your chief aim for the year, establish your clarity on WHY you wanted to accomplish the chosen goal. The fire behind the space rocket is the “X factor” which takes it above until it reaches where it wants to be. You must have the WHY behind your vision to sustain working on it until you accomplish. Many people write their new year resolution with the vigor that I will go to Gym and eat healthy food but after a week turn back to their old ways. The reason behind the weak will is because they don’t have WHY in it. Why you want to go to gym. If the answer is to lose weight. Ask again why you want to lose weight. If the answer is, I am over-weight, again ask why are you over-weight and so on. Do it till you don’t have any answer. The last answer would be your “X Factor” to drive you to work on the goal and you will for sure sustain for longer period.


How to write a Definite Chief AIM?

 Let’s have a look at Bruce Lee’s Definite Chief Aim.

"I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness."

Bruce achieved everything he wrote, before his early death at 32 years old - just 4 years after writing this chief aim.

We must admire Bruce Lee’s crystal-clear clarity. In his Aim, he describes what he wants to do and then why he wants to do so. He also sets clear timeline for himself and gives number to his goal.

You should have these elements in you aim.

  1. Clarity of what you want to do
  2. Why you want to do
  3. Timelines
  4. Give numbers to your goal


Author: Mohamed Irfan A




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