Tips to De-Toxify Your Brain

Tip to De-Toxify Your Brain

    The glymphatic system is a macroscopic waste clearance system that utilizes perivascular tunnels, formed by astroglial cells, to promote efficient elimination of soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system. Besides waste elimination, the glymphatic system also facilitates brain-wide distribution of several compounds, including glucose, lipids, amino acids, growth factors, and neuromodulators.

Below are the steps to detoxify your brain. 

1. Intermittent Fasting - By performing intermittent fasting you can detoxify only only the brain but the entire body. There are many ways of fasting. The most popular ways are 

  • 16 hour fasting - This type of fasting cab ne performed by not consuming any food for 16 hours. You can start the fasting after the dinner concluding with lunch the next day. 
  • 2 days fasting in week - This type of fasting can be done not eating throughout the day time twice in a week
  • Alternate day fasting - This type of fasting can be done every alternate day. You can chose a even day or odd day to fast. 
  • Warrior fasting - This type fasting is performed by eating minimum like fruits  alone. 
2. Sleep well - Sleep is really important to maintain a good health and mind. Here we do not mean over sleep but right amount of sleep. Many people now a day suffer from insomnia and sleep deprivation. This is bad for the mental health. To have good sleep 
  • Maintain strict and same time for sleeping as well as wake up everyday
  • Stop using mobile usage at least 2 hour before going to bed. The white light emission from devices confuses the brain if it is day or night causing sleep disturbances. 
  • Avoid drinking coffee 3 hours before you go to sleep. 
3. Have more Vitamin C - Citrus fruits like Orange, Amla and Lemon are rich in vitamin C and are natural anti oxidants. 

4. Exercise regularly - Everyone knows exercise is really important to physical and mental health. It circulates blood to the nervous system and helps in detoxify.

What to AVOID?

1. Eating white sugar
2. Eating heavy dinner before sleep. 

Author: Mohamed Irfan

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