Strategic thinking for personal success


Strategic thinking for personal success

                           Strategic Thinking

    I believe that the success in your personal life or in career need a conscious effort by following a scientific pattern while approaching your goals.

Oxford dictionary defines “Strategy” as a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose. Without a plan you cannot even shop your grocery. We make a list of what is required and what is not, think of which to shop has the offers, be cognizant of the budget and then execute it in action. Planning to achieve your goal is similar to shopping you grocery but it needs a strategic thinking.


The conscious effort must be taken to know the science behind an effective strategy.

1.   Question the assumption


 We often keep following same routines believing it as gospel truth which cannot be challenged. Interrogating the status quo can be challenging but certainly rewards with greater understanding on why is it so, the way it is.


Ask yourself how you are going to spend your time which will create difference in your life?


Spending time on the things that matters to us and our goals can make the difference. Questioning you own conscience on how I spend time could be challenging. But, questioning can provide you with important insights, open up the horizon of mind and create valuable ideas.


Ask the below questions

          1.    Where do I want to be in 3-5 years of time from now?

2.    Am I on track for my goals? Will I be able to achieve on time?

3.    How can I increase my chance of success?


2.   Observation and apply


 While in the first step you have challenged yourself by asking tough question like ‘Am I on track’, in the second step you would seek the authentic answer with observations. The observation need conscious effort and focus to seek the bigger picture.

This is an era of digital distraction with so many gadgets around. A man has become a digital monkey with bent spine hooked on the mobile’s screen. We need a digital free attention time for our thoughts to flourish and ideas to flow. 

To focus, block your time for the observation (analysis) and think how are you going to action it. An hour in a week is sufficient enough. Switch off your devices or take digital free break through the nature by strolling around the trees nearby along with your thoughts.


Ask yourself

What are to-do? And What are Not to do? How would you capture the data to convince yourself on your strategy?

To build the data around your strategy you can watch your competitors performing. And asking the experts.

We often ignore history. But smart people read history to learn from it. By breaking the past into different events and analyzing what went well and what did not go well can give you much of the insights you seek.

After you have framed your thoughts it is time to write your plan physically for the action with steps. Writing your plans makes you accountable. Pick up sticky notes and paste in your desk for reminder. 


Apply you plan with conviction!


3.   Reflecting


Audit your strategy!

 It is important to know if strategy formulated and applied, works. Auditing your expectation in specific time interval is a great way to check, if the sail is on the designated path. Auditing the progress gives an opportunity to course correct while deviating.


Ask yourself

Are you achieving the initial expectation?

Is there a major change in circumstances?


Major changes in circumstances could be challenging to carry on with initial strategy. We must be open to accept instability in our ecosystem which could be unanticipated. A course correction or abandoning the strategy may be advisable based on circumstances.

E.g., Covid pandemic was unanticipated up to this level resulting in various changes in profession and personal life.

Reflecting with data or feedback in specific time interval depending upon the duration to reach the goal helps stay on track. Depending on the duration, reflection check can be set weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly.



1.      Question the assumption. 1

Ask the below questions 1

2.      Observation and apply. 2

Ask yourself 2

3.      Reflecting. 2

Ask yourself 3


About Author: 

Hi I am Abdul Mohamed Irfan and a passionate writer. I am scientist by profession and Pharmacist by education. My aim is to share with my readers and audience, value of learning. I truly believe that sharing is growing and therefore I bring useful content for my readers. 



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