Five new age instructional strategies for educators

Author: Masum Ahmed

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins

-Jim Rohn

The ability to ‘SEARCH’ beyond the boundaries to intensify the teaching-learning equation is accompanied with unanswered questions. You too are reading this article after a Google search and your ability to be curious.


Educational paradigm has seen a transitional shift in instructional strategies. These transformations has opened new avenues for students and challenges for educators. In the last two decades, with the advent of technology swarming across nook and corner of the world, the mode of education has seen huge transformation in terms of textbooks, boards, methodologies etc. With the digital age, teachers too have the pressure to camouflage with the new-age teaching techniques. Educators require sacrificing their comfort zone with traditional mode of teaching confined to classrooms. To make a mark in the educational arena, teachers are bound to integrate the new instructional strategies. A number of different teaching techniques have emerged due to this change in education.


Are we educators worried with this disruption? Many of these teaching techniques are not actually new! The use of technology in the classroom has simply given education a new lease of life allowing us to approach old ideas in new ways.


Outlined below are some popular teaching techniques that have arisen from the integration of technology in education.


1.     Flip Learning
2.     Mastery Learning
3.     Blended Learning
5.     Gamification


1.   Flip Learning

Flipped Learning is an approach that allows teachers to implement single methodology or variety of methodologies, in their classrooms. 

Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guide the students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.


In a Flipped-learning model the students has the content for learning beyond classrooms, which can be accessed anytime. E.g., the student may have the flexibility to learn from videos at home and ask questions to teacher when they come to class next time. This allows teacher to free up time and give more attention to individual students.


Flipping a class does not necessarily, lead to Flipped Learning. Many teachers may already flip their classes by having students read text outside of class, watch supplemental videos, or solve additional problems. To engage in Flipped Learning, teachers must incorporate the following four pillars into their practice.



a.    Flexible Environment 

b.    Learning Outcome

c.     Intentional Content

d.     Professional Educator


2.   Mastery Learning: 

Mastery learning focusses on mastering a topic before you move on to a more advanced one.


Mastery learning is about providing a range of differentiated instructional support to students in order to help each student achieve mastery (rather than just leaving them behind when the unit is over). Mastery learning is an instructional strategy and educational philosophy, first formally proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1968. It requires more differentiated perspective, giving students more time to go over the learning material, giving them extra explanation and support by the teachers. The learning dashboards that help teachers see patterns and flaws in the learning material or identify which students are struggling and falling behind.


3.   Blended Learning

Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology.


Blended learning represents a much greater change in basic techniques than just adding computers to classrooms. It represents, in many cases, a fundamental change in the way teachers and students approach the learning experience. There is a consensus among education innovators that blended-learning has three primary components:


·       In-person classroom activities facilitated by a trained educator.

·       Online learning materials, often including pre-recorded lectures given by that same instructor.

·     Structured independent study time guided by the material in the lectures and skills developed during the classroom experience.



Facilitators focus on four key areas:

a.      Development of online and offline course content.

b.     Facilitation of communication with and among students, including the pedagogy of communicating content online without the contextual clues students would get in person.

c.      Guiding the learning experience of individual students, and customizing material wherever possible to strengthen the learning experience.

d.     Assessment and grading, not unlike the expectations for teachers within the traditional framework.


By putting an emphasis on learning through supervised activities, blended learning has proven to be very adaptable.


4.   Personalized Learning

Personalized learning refers to instruction in which the pace of learning and the instructional approach are optimized for the needs of individual learner.


Learning objectives, instructional approaches, and instructional content (and its sequencing) may all vary based on learner needs. In addition, learning activities are made available that are meaningful and relevant to learners, driven by their interests and often self-initiated.


Personalized learning can be categorized as follows:

      i.         Adaptive learning: technology used to assign human or digital resources to learners based on their unique needs.


     ii.         Individualized learning: the pace of learning is adjusted to meet the needs of individual students.

   iii.         Differentiated learning: the approach to learning is adjusted to meet the needs of individual students.

   iv.         Competency-based learning: learners advance through a learning pathway based on their ability to demonstrate competency, including the application and creation of knowledge along with skills and dispositions.


Personalized learning has the potential to radically transform ‘how we teach and learn’ and ‘how we create more equitable opportunities for students’. Today, however, most in the education community would agree that while each of these learning approaches shares attributes with personalized learning, none is synonymous.

5.   Gamification

Learning with games is one of the teaching methods prominently used in elementary and preschool education. By using games, students learn without even obvious realization. Therefore, learning through play or ‘Gamification’ is a learning technique that can be very effective at any age. It is also a very useful technique to keep students motivated. 

The teacher should design projects that are appropriate for their students, taking into account their age and knowledge, while making them attractive enough to provide extra motivation. One idea may be to encourage students to create quizzes online on a certain topic. Students can challenge their peers to test themselves and see who gets a higher score. In this way, students can enjoy the competition with peers while also having fun and learning.



These new age instructional strategies have revolutionized the educational platform bringing in a plethora of innovative techniques to execute the concepts to the students in a way so that they can soak in the world of knowledge.


  1. Flip Learning
  2. Mastery Learning
  3. Blended Learning
  4. Personalized Learning
  5. Gamification

 These methodologies are trying to spark the intellect of every individual in turn enhancing the knowledge of future generation. Henceforth education, as with other industries, has evolved in leaps and bounds in recent years. Traditional pedagogical techniques, based on a teacher explaining a topic and students taking notes, may still be useful on occasion, but education today revolves more around encouraging the student to awaken their curiosity and desire to learn. Hope these strategies can unleash the passion for learning in true sense.

About the Author

Ms.Masum Ahmed is an educator by choice and a blogger by passion. A postgraduate in English literature with a professional degree believes in integrity and guiding young kids towards the right path is an educator’s moral responsibility. Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins


Read more on teaching techniques:

1.     BEST Teaching Methodologies and Techniques

2.     Triangle Feedback Methodology For Schools


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