How to never lose your voice? 12 Remedies for Teachers

How to never lose your voice?
Tips for Teachers and Singers to care your voice

Authored by Shahin
What would you think when a teacher teaches or a singer sing in a hoarse voice? Have you met some teacher or singers sometimes crow croaking while speaking? Well, it is no surprise that the profession where voice is used extensively suffer with pain while speaking and hoarseness often.
I am a teacher myself and often get comments that “why your voice is getting muted in between while speaking”? Terrible to say that but teaching is a profession where voice stress is considered to be occupational hazard. I often feel pain while speaking, voice hoarseness, and voice muting. Indian schools where normally the strength of students in each class is at-least 1:40 ratio is a strenuous job to shape and discipline the dynamic minds of pupil.
“Becoming a teacher sometimes can be a fun way to know how loud your voice can get”
Recently one of my colleague was diagnosed with acute inflammation of voice box. This was result of voice stress she put in her class. Even the politician have election seasons to use their vocal attributes but teachers are all season speakers. She was advised for a voice rest by the doctor and give-up the profession if possible. Another instance where one for my senior with 10 years in the teaching profession had almost lost the voice had to go for a major surgery to get the voice back. Not taking care of your voice in a profession where voice is used extensively can mean even loss of voice in long term.
“Be aware to take care of your voice. Teach on but never lose your voice.”
Let’s begin by knowing the science and physiology behind the voice.
Sound of your voice is produced by voice box which is also called Larynx. The voice box or larynx is the portion of the respiratory tract containing the vocal cords which produce sound. The voice box is 2-inch long tube shaped organ in the neck. We always use larynx when we are breathing, talking, or swallowing food. Each time when we breathe, air goes into our nose or mouth, then through the larynx, down the trachea, and into our lungs and the air goes out the other way without making a sound. But, when we talk, the vocal cords tightens up and move closer together. Air from the lungs is forced between them and makes them vibrate, producing the sound of our voice. The tongue, lips, and teeth form this sound into words.

Common difficulties faced by the teachers and the students due to voice stress
  • Teachers frequently shout more to carry on teaching. Continuous use of voice for longer hours in teaching causes stress on voice. This leads to cracked and hoarse voice.
  • While teachers suffer with voice stress the student are not able hear the lecture carried out by the teacher due to cracked notes. This leads to misunderstanding of teaching concept and causes distraction in the classroom.
  • Teachers are forced to skip classes on not being able to give the lecture resulting in lagging behind in the curriculum
  • Teachers are not able to utilize full potential of their teaching ability for the fear of loss of voice.

How to take care of voice box?
“Prevention is better than cure”
  1. Stay away from common cold: Speaking continuously with already cough and cold can further put your voice box into stress. Increase your immunity and stay away getting caught to common cold in teaching and singing profession.
  2. Keep your hands always clean: Germs reaches your mouth through hands. Always make sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer to avoid getting infected to your throat.
  3. Don’t yell at students: You are damaging your voice as well as moral of the students by shouting. Commanding the students is nothing to do with raising pitch of voice. Use attention grabbing techniques like clapping, tapping feet etc.
  4. Slow down your speech: Do not strain your voice by talking too quickly. Speak at optimal speed.
  5. Adjust your natural pitch of voice: Identify what is your natural pitch of voice and most comfortable to you without stressing the voice box while delivering lecture.
  6. Stay hydrated and avoid oil food: Sip the water in-between while teaching continuously. Avoid foods causing acid refluxes.
  7. Change the pattern of teaching: While you feel that your voice is stressed then use activity based outdoor activities for the day instead putting more stress by delivering lecture.
  8. Avoid allergens and pollutants: Avoid allergens and pollutants by having face masks.

Home remedies to take care of your voice box
  1. Gargle with warm salt water: The most easy available anti-bacterial and anti-viral mouth wash.
  2. Enjoy tea with honey and with ginger: Soothe your voice with natural medicines
  3. Say strict no to cold drinks and beverages: Soft drinks can be very bad for voice box and health. Occasional ice cream is fine but avoid in large quantity.

Technological remedy to avoid the voice Stress
“Better to amplify your voice rather than shouting”...Is there any way to amplify your voice?

There are wide variety of voice amplifier device available in the market which can be used at the classroom. Taking help of technology can greatly reduce the stress on the teacher’s voice. I personally use Laploma Retro portable rechargeable loudspeaker with MIC. You can buy the instrument from Many of my friends on recommendation have started using the voice amplifier in their classes and it is immensely helping the teachers to save their voice and students to hear the lecture clearly. The usage of the amplifier also have increased the attention level of the students than using direct voice. The loudness and echo of the voice can adjusted very easily in Laploma loudspeaker at the desired level based on the size of the class. Normally it works well in a class of 40-50 students’ size.
Authored by Shahin 
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